
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Blocked Out

I've been in a writing funk so things have been slow around here but I wanted to show you another little update I did on our Kitchen. Counters this time. It's subtle so you may have to squint.



Amazing right? How did I achieve this transformation? Dark Tung Oil. I really wanted to be able to use my counters to cut on, but I also wanted them darker so I could only go with natural oils. It was super easy to apply. I cut it 1-1 with citrus solvent (also all natural) and wiped it on. 6 coats to be exact. The house smelled like oranges for days.

Unfortunately, this is about as dark as I could get it though so I'm on the fence. I do like having the space to cut on, but I don't really know if I am sold on the color. It just didn't get dark enough (hence my earlier sarcasm). We are living with it for now and seeing what we think. All that is left on the kitchen is finishing painting the trim. Yay! We have people coming to give us quotes on our next project and I can't wait to tell you about it. It is going to seriously transform the house.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Who Says you Have to Live With It?

After laying our cork floors and staining the counters (post to follow) I was not digging the color I had painted the walls.

It was just too blue to go with the warm tones of the floor, so I painted.

It's a little warmer but still the green I wanted. We finally settled on Behr's Cool Cucumber. I'm starting to realize that I am happier with my paint colors if I just go with my gut rather than get a million samples but you live and learn right? 

We still need to paint trim and floor boards but this project is just about done. Now if only work would slow down and let me finish!
