
Friday, July 27, 2012


Just a quick post to show you our new counters!

They wont be blond for too long but I'm digging their woodsy vibe. Since they were super cheep for counters (thank you IKEA), we are going to see how it goes but I found a place that sells dark tung oil that should darken them up a bit but still make them usable for cutting (it is food safe). I'll let you know how that goes.

We've got flooring to pick up and tiling is happening so things are moving. Our August 8th deadline is creeping up but it is so worth it for all of the progress.

You may also notice the cabinet around the refrigerator. Yeah, I got that done too but haven't had a change to blog about it. So there it is.

Anyone else ready for a productive weekend. I feel like my life has been on fast-forward. On the plus side, I'm totally counting tearing up flooring as exercise. It counts right?


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