I have a problem. I like to start projects and then not finish them. It has gotten so bad that I currently have 14+ projects that are half done. So, in an effort to make myself accountable here they are. I'm laying it all out there. Don't judge people.
Ceilings aren't much fun to paint either. |
That's supposed to be a light switch (in my defense, this is a Daniel Project) COMPLETE! 6/2/13 |
I started the built-ins. Got hung up on sanding. |
My new porch gate still needs paint. COMPLETED! 3/21/13 |
We never finished fixing the crack in the kitchen ceiling. |
The hood still isn't vented (**cough, cough 8 months later cough**) |
I never installed the trim around the cabinets in the kitchen. |
I never actually finished painting the kitchen cabinets. |
I have a new light for this room that is gathering dust. |
I never got around to installing that rain barrel I bought last year. COMPLETE! 5/29/13 |
Daniel and I have made a pact to not start anything new until everything else is finished. Things are going to get pretty boring around here for a while. On the plus side This is all slated for after the bathroom is finished (since that is number one priority) so you still have a few pretties to see coming up!
Someone tell me I'm not the only one with a house full of unfinished projects. I swear, there has to be a support group out there for this. One that comes with people willing to paint.
I hear you! I have a half finished veggie bed that is the source of my current injury. I've resigned myself to putting it off until next year... I hope you are healing quickly!