Friday, July 15, 2011

So Much Time, So Little to Do...

Wait. Scratch that, reverse it. I have way too many things that I want to do. You might might have noticed I've been doing a lot of little projects lately (like the button monogram, button billy balls, and spray painting my side table) in between work on the back yard. There are just so many fun projects I want to work on but the bigger things have been getting in the way. I decided I needed to make it official and make a list.

I started to type out the whole list but decided you'll just have to wait and see what I come up with. If you'd like a sneak peak check out my Pinterest To Make page. Here are a few at the top of my list.

A terrarium 

Just to name a few. 

Every time I read a blog or get on Pinterest I add a few more to my list but there is nothing wrong with that. Just wait until the holidays, my head just might explode from all the craftiness. Joy!

The lumber is here so we are going to try to knock the backyard out this weekend. Fingers crossed people!


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